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University of Tasmania


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Christen, Nicole K. Copyright the authors. Bayesian Analysis of Pb Dating . N2 – In studies of environmental change of the past few centuries, Pb dating is often used to obtain chronologies for sedimentary sequences. Current Pb dating models do not use a proper statistical framework and provide poor estimates of the uncertainties.

Thus Goldberg () developed the first principles of the Pb dating method, which was soon followed by a paper by Crozaz et al. (), who examined.

Owing to the relative accessibility of the Pb methodology, many environmental chronologies have been produced, but not always critically assessed. Sometimes, sedimentary processes such as compaction, local mixing, erosion, or episodic sedimentation are not taken into account, nor the validity of the fundamental premises and proper estimation of uncertainties assessed. The exercise involved 14 laboratories worldwide with different levels of expertise in the application of the Pb dating methods.

The dating exercise was performed using Pb, Ra and Cs activity data from two sediment cores coastal and lacustrine sediments , and the participants were requested to provide their Pb chronologies based on dating models. This modelling exercise evidenced the limitations and constraints of Pb method when supplementary and validation information is not available. Barsanti; R. Garcia-Tenorio; A. Schirone; M.

Rozmaric; A. Sanchez-Cabeza; I. Delbono; F. Conte; J.

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